Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Making and animating a cardboard pizza, for some film-credits I designed for Zoomcitta.

Details of two little cardboard house boxes I made for a group exhibition called 'Cabinet De Curiousities'. It was part of Fringe Arts Bath and was curated by Anne-Laure Franchette and Jan Evans. I didn't get to go to the exhibition but it sounded magic!

Photographs of a hand-made card. It is for sale at Anne-Laure's shop in Manchester, which opened last weekend! It is called the Silverwood Shop and sells new and vintage arts, crafts and clothes.

Pages and details from various sketchbooks.
These are photographs of a puppet and a set I made while in the second year at uni. You can click on the image to see her close up. There wasn't a really concise narrative, I was just playing with lighting and atmosphere - I was trying to make something quite spooky, and also looking for a way of defining the way I worked. I was also just getting interested in animation. I set myself a title for this project, 'Ladies and Gentlemen', and spun a yarn from there. I think this character is quite mysterious. I'm unsure myself whether she's a sad little creature or a man-eater.