Thursday, 18 July 2013

Winning Flood!

A couple of months ago I entered my short story 'Floods' into a competition set by the brilliant Mardi Books, (through the also brilliant IdeasTap).

I just found out that it's a winner!

I wrote 'Floods' as part of my MA project; it's about a child who overfills the bath at home, then blames herself for a major flood in her Granddad's town. 

Here are some of the illustrations, also see the August 2012 post for more detail. 

It will published as part of a collection called 'Jam', which will be available to buy as an e-book on Amazon in August. Watch this space for more info as it arises in the next month or so.

Thank you to both Mardi Books and Ideas Tap! I'm so excited by this!