Monday, 18 August 2014

End Of The Road festival

I'm really excited to be involved with End of the Road festival at the end of this month, where I'll be running the 'Humanimation' workshops Friday through to Sunday! If you're going to the festival, come and have a go at making some animation for the festival  - using just your body and a few props!

Scale model of the animation backdrop!!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

On with the show

Thank you to everyone involved with the show at Studio 73, which came down on Sunday. I'm so pleased with how it all went and there were some lovely comments about the work. Dead proud!

I exhibited some work alongside the students. These illustrations are for two short stories, and are for a forthcoming publication by The Other Publishing company. They'll be up online soon as part of their short story imprint Cracked Eye.

'Stitches' (story by Hayden Sayer)

Friday, 1 August 2014

A top draw Summer

Last week I was in Cambridge running the Illustration for Picture Books Summer school. It was like an arty Summer holiday with a bit of work thrown in (the best kind of holiday!).

Students experimented with drawing and mixed media illustration:

They looked at creating sequences using random imagery, words and shapes:

They also worked together on short storyboarding projects:

We did a lot of bookbinding, and experimented with different book structures and paper folding:

And students were able to develop their own original ideas: 


It was a really fun and productive week. It was especially good having a proper, consistent amount of time to help the students be creative, play with ideas and narratives, and learn a few new skills.  

Some of the students' work shown here is on display at Studio 73 for the summer exhibition - which is on now until the 10th of August! Come on down for a gander!