Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Keeping up

I've not been here for ages. I tend use Instagram as a mini-blog now, as it's quick and simple, and the instant feedback (i.e. likes) is really encouraging and makes me want to keep going. There are loads of good things about it, especially if you're an artist, and if you bypass all the body-obsessed feeds and Kardashians (absolutely no 'fence, it's just not my scene), it can be a goldmine of inspiration and positive messages.

But I have missed writing on my blog, which I used to treat as a proper diary - it's a good way of recording what I've been working on with a bit more substance. I'd like to try and write on here about once a month. Surely that sounds pretty doable (she says, nervously chewing her thumbnail)? Well, it's my goal from now on.

I'll be writing about the usual fodder - current and future illustration, animation and education projects, creative stuff I like, probably the odd rant, and definitely a slosh of Toby.

For now here's an animation made by parents and their children (under 4) at Galeri in Caernarfon, on International Women's Day this year. I ran a 2-hour animation workshop with them, which was quite a squeeze but a lot of fun and very fruitful. 

The workshop was part of my exhibition / residency 'From a Turnip to a Toby', on Y Wal at Galeri, which has since finished and was also a great experience. I showed drawings from my 100 day project about pregnancy and motherhood, and as part of a live drawing event, I illustrated stories and anecdotes on site, sent to me by other mothers of young children, to be displayed next to my framed pieces on Y Wal.

I'll update again soon with a bit more detail on what's coming up over the next year or so...! In the meantime I am on Instagram as @elstriggs so feel free to peruse my square pictures.

x peas and lovage x