Thursday, 4 October 2012

This post is linked to the max!

We were all really proud of our MA show, but all good things must come to an end! I wanted to share a bit of the beautiful work that was on display and shamelessly plug the bejeezus out of my super talented course-mates.

Unfortunately I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I had (I must have drunk too much orange squash at the private view), but also check out the quick links in my side bar, and you can get an overview of the exhibition here in a neat little film by Woodrow Phoenix. Click away!

Rebecca Rossiter: The Toad Work
Rebecca Rossiter's project was a unique and absorbing look at the world of work, taken from two personal and very different viewpoints. She made two books; 'Inside Job', an adaptation of Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness', set in an office, and 'Get Me Out of my Inbox' (my favourite), a series of illustrated e-mails between a father and daughter, both fed up of their jobs. The delicate collages are thoughtful and beautifully paced, and the relationship between the two main characters comes through in crystal clear, un-flowery language. 

Jessica Plant: Samples
Jessica Plant's work, 'Samples', encouraged people in the community to share stories through pieces of fabric, clothing and textiles belonging to them. The stories were gathered into a single, slim but very rich hand-bound book. It's full of beautiful photographs and the stories themselves are insightful and diverse, great examples of how objects that seem meaningless to one person can take on huge meaning for somebody else. I want a copy! 

Other amazing work on show; Dominic Francis Evans' 'Batter My Heart', a relationship compendium with some of the best and funniest advice you could ever hope for. I'm keeping it as my bible. Dom is currently very busy becoming a high-flyer in fashion illustration and beyond. Anna-Kaisa Jormaneinen's dreamlike studies of happiness were another one of my favourite things on show; her pictures are like going to a really happy place in your head (and not wanting to leave). 

Treats at our MA shop; the red book is Dom's!

Super clever Miss Beth Dawson's project 'Toys for the inquisitive child' was a nostalgic treat for the senses. A series of interactive boxes encouraged viewers to play and re-discover their inner child through sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Beth has a great website, and you can also find images on the wonderful and highly industrious Miss Lauren Watson's blog. Lauren's fabulous project was a collection of illustrated extracts from Graham Robb's 'The Discovery of France', a macabre mixed media feast of treasures. Lauren also teamed up with Sandra Aquilar early on in the year to create 'Thieves'. A very hard-working pair. Sandra's project 'The Lunch Box Cafe' was a playful comic about an alien working in a cafe, produced it in a classic format with subtle colours and was like stepping back in time (in a good way). Also excellent was James Burlinson's 'Creature Conga', a rainbow coloured accordion book of weird and wonderful animal factoids. 

Jess' textile sample wares for sale

Other work I wanted to mention; Irene's shape stories 'How the Little Things Grow'; Erika Pal's elegant animation about dreams, 'The House'; Emma Falconer's interactive animation of Odysseus' adventures; Rory Walker's travelling theatre; Ellie Crane's portrayal of anorexia; Emily Wallis' highly skilled anthropomorphic illustrations; James and Tiago de Sousa's intelligent (and really funny) exploration of the psyche and split personalities; Sophy Henn's alternative comic for girls, 'Pickle' (highly desirable!); and Grant Ciecura's simple and potent portrayal of grief. 

PHEW...what a great show. Sad that it's ended - but onwards and upwards for all of us. 

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